didn't anyone tell these folks that their Society frowns on warlike strategy games like chess? There won't be any need for idle amusements like games in the Wonderful New Order where everything will be peachykeen and perfect.
Mommie Dark
JoinedPosts by Mommie Dark
I Now Provide You With Entertainment.......
by Ranchette ini put some of the funniest stuff in bold print.. enjoy!.
opic: unique plans for paradise.
pantherkatz wol stepper posted 09-22-2001 12:09 am we all look forward to common things in the new order such as, no more sickness and death, no more wickedness, meeting bible characters, etc.... but what are some of the personal, more unique things that you would like to do?
100 Good Samaritans needed
by Trilobite intwo of this board's, and h2o's before it,long time and well known participants have fallen on desperately hard times.
if they could set up pay pal accounts and enough of us could contribute say $20 - $50 per month it would help them though their hardship.. these two people have helped many escape from the wts and i know for sure have given money and other material help to those in need, even when they could not afford it.. if you can help, send an email to: [email protected].
you need not include any particulars of who you are etc, just an indication that you could support this and how much you could send.
Mommie Dark
Part of the reason I got so pissed off at waiting's remarks was that a CAREFUL READING of the thread would have shown her that at least two of the people she named were ALREADY MENTIONED as having been active behind the scenes in enabling some assistance for at least one of the gents in question.
She wasn't interested in actual facts though she was just tying to make some waves while pissing in the pool. I can understand that. I hate it, but I understand it.
It's a group mentality thing right? Let's all kick those who are down, and if we can, by all means, let's kick each other around, hierarchically, and use this as an opportunity to establish a pecking order, with blood drawn if possible. Let's humiliate those in need and call their integrity into question because for whatever reason they chose to stop using a public message forum. And while we're at it, let's also take a second to take sniping jabs at those who are high-profile activists in ex-JW circles.
After all it's not enough to mind our own business and respond to a request for assistance privately, discreetly, quietly. We gotta encourage by example, give our real names, addies, circumstances, and oh yeah permission slips from two witnesses attesting to our validity as humans before we can give OR RECEIVE any charitable kindness.
And if the whole bandwagon doesn't agree on methods and motives the whole smegging deal is OFF...
but let's just let it drop now eh waiting? After all we've all had our jollies muddying a good deed into a bad taste, our work here is finished.
Reasons for Leaving JWs/Fatal Flaw
by patio34 ini ran across this in "river out of eden" by richard dawkins (pgs 131-132) yesterday and it accurately sums up why i left jws 9 months ago and, essentially, belief in a creator:.
re dna survivial: 'when the utility function-that which is being maximized--is dna survival, this is not a recipe for happiness.
so long as dna is passed on, it does not matter who or what gets hurt in the process.
Mommie Dark
Hi Pat: the question I find myself asking is, WHY do humans 'care'? Why do we have the ability to care? Why do we need to make sense out of the randomness of the universe? Why ae we so desperate to make order amongst the chaos?
I sometimes wonder if our unique human self-awareness isn't an evolutionary cul-de-sac? What purpose does it serve in the universal cycle of life eating itself?
Well I've been awake for about ten minutes and you folks have certainly given me some interesting intellectual breakfast!
I love this place...
100 Good Samaritans needed
by Trilobite intwo of this board's, and h2o's before it,long time and well known participants have fallen on desperately hard times.
if they could set up pay pal accounts and enough of us could contribute say $20 - $50 per month it would help them though their hardship.. these two people have helped many escape from the wts and i know for sure have given money and other material help to those in need, even when they could not afford it.. if you can help, send an email to: [email protected].
you need not include any particulars of who you are etc, just an indication that you could support this and how much you could send.
Mommie Dark
"Again, no need to jump all over me for questioning - I've already put my money up. Just a glaring curiousity.
'No need to remark on the fact that I'm being a cunt, just let me get away with it'... right waiting? Isn't that about the size of it?
FYI it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what anyone ELSE is doing or where or how ...
No need to jump all over 'me' for stating the obvious,
(pissed as HELL waiting's sort of hypocritical bitchiness) -
JW's Gospet of Incessant Self Praise
by Room 215 inthis observation came to mind in a related thread on cultural changes in the jw community over the years, as the organization evovles from a feisty, intensely radical, militant band of `theocratic warriors'' to a more maintream religion.. as the passage of time has eroded almost all of the plausibilty in the chronological component of their message (remember how big a part of our preaching was ``doing the 1914 drill'' -- you know: 2,520 minus 607, plus no zero year = 1914; ask yourselves how few modern and younger jws can do this by rote nowadays), teh focus has shifte to ``ain't we the greatest?
almost every wt issue runs articles featurng sanitized, idealized, versions of aspects of their modern history.
jws in the concentration camps, the atlanta penitenitary for rutherford and his gang, praise from public officials for jw comportment at assemblies, quick-build kingdom halls, disaster relief for their own kind, lifestyle makeovers, the experiences of oldtimers who unapologetically squandered a lifetime living in nomadic, vagabond poverty out of a suitcase or shuttered away in bethel or a missionary home, etc., ad ininitum, ad nauseum.
Mommie Dark
This was one of the things that started me escaping the cult. That smug arrogant thumbs-in-suspenders self-satisfied attitude, "Aren't we Jehovah's chosen humble people?" made me ill. How can you CLAIM to be the 'humblest meekest people on earth' at the top of your leather preacher lungs and be taken seriously?
It embarrassed me. It's an unconscious thing among most JWs but so very very ugly! How can anyone believe that an attitude like that is pleasing to their God? If he fosters that mindset, then HE is as venal and shallow and unspiritual as they!
Meanwhile there is that petty jealousy and competition to be 'strong spiritually' which is of course measured by CORPORATE WORKS first and Christian charity very very last.
I decided I'd rather die with all the sane worldlings than remain in that topsyturvy madhouse of alleged salvation!
Of course now I am free of all that superstitious claptrap, free as the little sparrows outside my window to choose for myself what path I follow. Life is good even when circumstances SUCK! And nobody monitoring my 'spirituality' and measuring me by some impossible standard of guilt and shame. OH YEAH!
First post..kinda long.. sorree
by Parliament inhey all.
this is my first post to this group.
ive been lurking for quite awhile and to say the least, this board makes me late for work as i oversleep from a late night of reading and wondering.
Mommie Dark
You said " I realize now that true love comes though hard work and what you believe is right in your heart. Not the love shown by a group of men that have to question every move you make."
WOW! How's you get so smart?
Tryin to do what's right just because it's right,
Not Under Mens' Thumb Class -
HELP - Elders want to talk about Disassociation
by Steven ini thought that this was all out of the way when 2 weeks ago my wife & i handed in letters of disassociation.. we have been since then trying to adjust & just when i thought i was getting somewhere - starting to feel normal again - i got a phone call 1hr ago from our presiding overseer saying that they haven't announced it yet & wanted to talk.. he is a very nice guy & i was caught totally unprepared so i put him off - said i would ring back later - 2pm'ish uk time.. now i have that horrible feeling in my stomach again - help!.
basically, when it comes down to it i don't think we want them to come over - it will open us up too much & i don't want that.. also, though, i want to sort it out; so i am thinking of just chatting to him for a bit on the phone.. i didn't really want to do this since it could knock their faith & also i am not fully ready to argue all of the facts with elders.
however it looks like i will have to.. anyway when it boils down to it they can argue away all of the facts like the un thing etc.
Mommie Dark
"Thanks so much for thinking of us but we are just incredibly busy and can't fit you into our schedule. I'll phone you if that changes." CLICK.
Polite but firm. This works.
You owe them NOTHING so don't be sucked back into their power trips.
Be of good cheer; it gets easier as time passes. Meanwhile enjoy taking charge of your own life and don't let them ruin your peace of mind with their control games.
Hey baby, what's your sign?
by Bridgette inokay, it's a hobbie of mine: astrology and people profiling.
now, i have a hypothesis i want to gather correlational data on.
disclaimer: it's only for fun, nathan natas, larc, alanf--all you logical thinkers out there!
Mommie Dark
OK you can use me for a guinea pig.
I'm a Leo, born July 27 1954
older than dirt and meaner than snakes,
(astrologically challenged due to cult upbringing) -
for married people only
by teejay inthere's a running debate i have going with my wife.
i have the opinion that it is very possible for married people to have friends of the opposite sex without the idea of a sexual encounter entering into the picture.
she disagrees, saying that once you're married, the marriage mate should be enough to offer you all you need in the way of companionship, conversation,etc.. let's say you're running an errand at the mall and happen to see someone of the opposite sex that you have known for years (your mate knows/doesn't know them... doesn't matter) and you decide to grab a cup of coffee and have a two-hour chat.
Mommie Dark
My best friends in high school were both guys. One of them, a letterman in three sports, used to piss his gorgeous blond girlfriend off by dropping her off at 10 after a movie and then coming to hang with me, sometimes gabbing until dawn. She knew we weren't doing the tango of lust but it still annoyed hell out of her.
My hubby's best online bud is a woman; they call each other 'Twin' and share computer stuff that I'm too ignorant to understand.
Genuine friendship is IMO genderless, and intelligent and honest people are able to keep recreational sex from rearing its ugly head between friends.
Papa and I both have lots of friends of both sexes and it's never been a problem. Jealousy? Doesn't come around here much. Papa D is my best bud though and I know when he wants his very best bud he comes to me. We trust one another completely, but then we are weird in lots of other ways so maybe our experience is unique.
FWIW I agree with you (wonders never cease do they LOL).
I Just got OLDER....burfday today :-)
by BoozeRunner inyikes!!!!
i think i'm an old man, lol.. definitely an excuse to have a few drinks toite.. boozy
Mommie Dark
Have a happy burfday, and if you drink, DON'T make it a 'barfday'!